
13 July 2014
Cloud 9 Sky Bar & Lounge Summer Terrace BBQ Menu Brings Giant Burgers and Other Delicacies

Cloud 9 sky bar & lounge, one of the first non-smoking bars in Prague since June 2014, launched the favourite summer terrace with its special offer. This year guests have an opportunity to enjoy delicious grilled specialties, including giant burgers. “Having seen the success of past seasons and great feedback from our guests, we want […]

9 July 2014
Women's Empowerment Principles

Jak zlepšit postavení žen na pracovišti i ve společnosti? Zapojení ženského talentu, dovedností, zkušeností a energie vyžaduje promyšlenou strategii. Níže přinášíme několik příkladů dobré praxe společností, které úspěšně bojují s diverzitou a mohou být inspirací ostatním. Principy Women’s Empowerment poskytují několik návodů a poznatků, které mohou nejen soukromému sektoru pomoci v podpoře genderové rovnosti. Jsou výsledkem spolupráce mezi agenturou OSN pro […]

7 July 2014
Good governance against corruption

Corruption is one of the most serious obstacles to economic and social development all over the world. In contrast, good governance is the key to sustainable development and responsible enterprise. The global Call to Action on graft urges governments worldwide to work to promote and actively support anticorruption measures, policies and systems of good governance. […]

2 July 2014
CTP Breaks Ground in Retail

CTP launched the development of the newest retail park in Brno in the highly sought-after location on the Brno—Bratislava highway, directly across from the established Olympia shopping centre. The project is planned for sports, grocers, furniture, DIY as well as food service retailers which will complement the nearby shopping centre. The 26 hectare site offers […]

1 July 2014
Towards a circular economy: A zero waste programme for Europe

Nové sdělení Komise k tzv. cirkulární ekonomice Evropská komise vydala 2. července 2014 nové sdělení k tzv. cirkulární ekonomice s názvem "Towards a circular economy: A zero waste programme for Europe". Podle plánů Komise mají Evropané do roku 2030 recyklovat 70 % komunálního odpadu a 80 % obalového odpadu. Téma opětovného využívání zdrojů a odpadu je vysoce aktuální. Proto jsme se stali […]

26 June 2014
LeasePlan supports the House of Three Wishes which helps children in need

One of the charity organizations supported by LeasePlan is the non-profit organization House of Three Wishes. It helps children who are in danger due to a grave family situation and who need immediate expert help. The House of Three Wishes strives to decrease the number of children living in unsatisfactory conditions, and aims to prevent such […]

25 June 2014
LeasePlan supports the voyage towards a dream of Jaroslav Petrouš

The Voyage towards a dream is a name of a civil association supported by LeasePlan. The association organized a charity event on May 31, and its main hero was the Paralympic Jaroslav Petrouš. A man with amputated legs now helps disabled children among others in such a way that he climbs the highest point of the Czech Republic each year. The […]

24 June 2014
Hilton Hotels in Prague organized a festive event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Prague International Marathon

Hilton Hotels in Prague, proud longtime partner of the Prague International Marathon, came up with a surprise for its founder and president Carlo Capalbo. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Prague International Marathon a get together was organized on June 19 with hotel and Marathon team members and Marathon partners on the terrace of […]

22 June 2014
CTP and ING Conclude EUR 93.6 million Financing Package

On Thursday 19 th June, CTP representatives met with ING legal representatives PRK Partners in Prague to complete the final signing of a financing package of EUR 93.6 million, marking a significant milestone in their long term relationship. The deal effectively completes CTP's plan to refinance 80% its portfolio during 2013–2014. "CTP is very pleased to deepen […]

19 June 2014
Performed by G4S Technology Is Attractive

Meeting the Sales Director at G4S, Lenka Nováková, over a cup of coffee, was not an easy task with regard to her working rhythm. In the end we have managed it. Lenka, what comes into your mind when you hear the word technology? Definitely our technology division, our, I mean G4S :), a wonderful team of people which […]

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