
8 January 2015
Hilton Hotels in Prague Supported Tereza Maxová Dětem Foundation

On Sunday, December 21, Hilton Prague and Hilton Prague Old Town took pleasure in organising the annual Christmas Charity Concert for the hotel clients and business partners, which has been a Christmas highlight for 18 years in a row. Michael Specking, cluster general manager of both Hilton Hotels in Prague, was delighted to hand over a cheque in […]

7 January 2015
2015 prediction: sustainability will be written into every job description

The sustainability job market is growing, with candidates getting multiple offers while employers struggle to fill positions. Here are three changes to expect. The year 2014 marked the tipping point in recovery from the global financial crisis, with housing and stock prices rising as unemployment fell. In sustainability, the jobs market is also on the […]

5 January 2015
Denmark, a country of social responsibility

Zatímco v České republice se koncept společenské odpovědnosti firem (CSR) teprve postupně dostává do povědomí společnosti, v Dánském království je považován téměř za samozřejmost. Lego, Carlsberg Group, Danske Bank a mnoho dalších dánských společností aktivně praktikuje CSR a snaží se tak podílet na rozvoji širší společnosti. Velké množství firem se řídí mezinárodními CSR standardy a dobrovolně přijímá 10 základních principů […]

23 December 2014
Circular economy: the top five stories of 2014

This year’s most-read circular economy stories featured edible water bottles, groceries without the packaging and Scotland’s solution for recycling nappies. In a recent Guardian Sustainable Business survey, readers identified the circular economy as one of the hottest sustainability topics for 2015. From Scotland to Japan, coffee to shallots, here’s what was most read in 2014. Take […]

23 December 2014
Thank you for Reconstructing the State with us!

Another year—our second—has gone by for Reconstruction of the State, and we’re happy to have had you by our side during our continuing push for anti-corruption reforms in the Czech Republic. Before you take a holiday rest from politics, let us guide you through the positive changes that we’ve achieved together so far: 2 bills passed—one […]

18 December 2014
100 Years of Volunteer Service through Student Exchange Programs

In 2014 AFS is commemorating 100 years of volunteer service through student exchange programs across international borders, and celebrating AFS’ contributions to increasing intercultural awareness, tolerance and more effective communications. We believe that “learning to live together” through real life intercultural experiences, structured learning and reflection provide a strong foundation for becoming a global citizen. The Origins […]

18 December 2014
Food Waste, an issue of today?

INTERVIEW WITH JINDŘICH FIALKA THE MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Is there any definition of what food waste is? According to FAO studies and according to general perception, food losses are defined as „the decrease in quantity or quality of food“ and are the agricultural or fisheries products intended for human consumption that […]

17 December 2014
ReShare project is growing every month

Social project called ReShare has been developing and increasing its activities every month. It all started in Ostrava town in the end of the last year. The Salvation Army currently runs containers also in Prague, Opava and Krnov. Next year we will spread our “collecting nets” in other cities in the Czech Republic. At this […]

16 December 2014
We’ve been constantly improving quality

Interview with Pavel Mikoška (Quality Director at Albert Retail Chain) “The Czech National Award For Quality in the program of EXCELLENCE is very important for us in connection with Czech customers relationship. The food quality and its high level processing are more and more important for them. You will find a hard and long-term work of […]

16 December 2014
The General Financial Directorate published a change in the VAT on donated food

Generální finanční ředitelství publikovalo změnu u DPH u darovaných potravin V pondělí 15. prosince 2014, tedy přesně v den, kdy slíbilo, zveřejnilo Generální finanční ředitelství pokyn "k uplatnění DPH při darování zboží do potravinových bank". Po více než roce se tak oficiálně završila naše aktivita Potraviny pomáhají bez DPH, kde Byznys pro společnost spolu s Českou federací potravinových bank […]

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