
20 March 2015
ING Bank changed location of its headquarters after ten years and moved to the Harfa Office Park building

ING Bank is working in new premises from November 18th. After more than ten years ING Bank left Prague, Anděl and moved into the dynamically developing area Harfa Office Park, Prague, Vysočany, next to O2 Arena. The bank occupies top three floors of a new office building with a total area of 3,600 m². There is situated […]

18 March 2015
Albert has successfully completed the remodelling of all SPAR and INTERSPAR stores in the Czech Republic

On August 1, 2014, the strategic acquisition of SPAR Česká obchodní společnost and its incorporation into the Albert brand started. This week, the conversion of the last INTERSPAR store into an Albert hypermarket was successfully completed in Ostrava – Poruba. In total a number of 35 INTERSPAR compact hypers and 14 SPAR supermarkets have been converted […]

13 March 2015
CTP | DoksyRace 2015 * 9. 8. 2015

Popular triathlon at the Machovo jezero will be held again this year! We are looking forward to the participation of all the triathletes who took part last year. The half-ironman track of 1.9 km swim, 90 km bike and 21 km run can be, same as in the previous years, also split among up to […]

13 March 2015
The Salvation Army (Armáda spásy) and social housing

How to break the circle of poverty? Social flats of the Salvation Army are a follow-up service for families or individuals who have come through the 'homeless hostel' social service and are unable – primarily for financial reasons – to find affordable housing. "Usually, the family or individual enters into a sub-tenancy contract with the Salvation Army, […]

11 March 2015
FOREWEAR successfully cooperates with different companies. Try it with us, too!

The socially beneficial project FOREWEAR in cooperation with sheltered workshops Fokus Vysočina and Borůvka Praha o.p.s. recycles old clothes in a meaningful way. The result is ecological products such as diaries, tablet covers, mobile phone covers and book covers which companies use as presents for employees, partners or as smart marketing materials. What is special about […]

9 March 2015
Changes in the NCCC team

Dear members, please be informed that the current staff of the NCCC includes Veronika Karásková and Iva Šímová. Martina Netuhová left the Chamber as of 28 February, 2015. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Martina and wish her all the best with her new job. Iva Šímová returned to the Chamber part-time, […]

6 March 2015
Bike to Work 2015

With spring coming another year of the Bike to Work competition is knocking on your door. Whether or not you want to increase your fitness, improve your mood, or stop losing time in traffic jams, encouraging team spirit at your work and joining the competition is absolutely worth it. Teams and individuals can win valuable […]

5 March 2015
Local Based Social Responsibility

EUROPEAN PLATFORM FOR EDUCATION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH We believe that only local based social responsibility has real impact in the community, where we are living, studying and working. We know that it is a necessary part of social education, which brings the community members values of fairness, equality, accountability and continuous learning. You are welcome […]

20 February 2015
The fourth year of the competition Social Impact Award launched

Čtvrtý ročník soutěže Social Impact Award zahájen Impact Hub zahájil již čtvrtý ročník soutěže pro mladé lidi, kteří se chtějí pustit do společensky prospěšného podnikání. Autoři nejlepších nápadů na ekonomicky udržitelné řešení společenských i enviromentálních problémů mohou získat až 3000 eur a odbornou podporu. Setkáním nových zájemců a minulých vítězů začal v úterý 17. února 2015 v Impact Hubu Praha […]

18 February 2015
Circular economy as a global trend in companies

Cirkulární ekonomika jako celosvětový trend ve firmách Novému pohledu na udržitelné podnikání a zvýšení konkurenceschopnosti firem se věnoval včerejší webinář o cirkulární ekonomice. Pořádali ho naši mezinárodní partneři CSR Europe a kanadská střešní organizace CPEQ. Cirkulární ekonomiku, která umí zužitkovat výrobky a jejich komponenty pro další výrobu a použití, prosazují jak firmy, tak například Evropská komise. Posledních více než […]

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