
13 June 2017
CTP handed over new production plant to Yanfeng Automotive Interiors

The new production plant CTPark Planá nad Lužnicí was officially opened in the presence of representatives from Yanfeng Automotive Interiors and CTP. One of the most modern production plants in Europe, which was built by CTP in less than a year, will produce interiors for passenger cars. The plant spans a total area of more than 23,000 […]

1 June 2017
Salvation Army - SOS car

Salvation Army decided to provide a specially adjusted car for the field-work with homeless people. It is very common to meet people in very bad health conditions at the field-work. That is why the Slavation Army provides them the basic medical help, not only food, sanitary utilities and clothes. The health conditions of the most of […]

30 May 2017
Voerman in the Czech Republic – A Moving Company

Wiegert Smallegange, Branch Manager, tells about the evolution of the branch in Prague. Vadim Hristov is the Country Manager of Voerman Czech and together with Wiegert forms the management of the company. Vadim focusses on all commercial aspects and Wiegert has to make sure it is realized. “Due to our commercial successes, keeping the growth […]

25 May 2017
Cash control and management survey by G4S Cash Solutions

Survey by G4S Cash Solutions: Businesses spent more than 1 % of their turnover on cash control and management, the majority being represented by cash and control processes – some businesses count cash up to 9 times. According to the survey conducted by G4S Cash Solutions, the leading provider of cash services related to cash […]

24 May 2017
DRFG Telco Division - continuing acquisitions of regional providers

Inside the DRFG Telco Division, we are continuing with the acquisition of regional providers. Currently, we have bought the FOFRNET Group, which consists of a merger of nine smaller companies. We entered the internet connection market this year. In the first quarter, following the acquisition of DAT, Oxid Networks and Redikom, we became the leader in […]

24 May 2017
The best apprentices met together in Ahold Headquarters

Apprentices from Czech vocational schools who attend training programs in Albert stores met together in Ahold Prague´s Headquarters in May. The event that was organized for the second time was attended by 60 apprentices from all regions across the Czech Republic. During the event, the students had the possibility to get to know how a big […]

24 May 2017
G4S becomes a member of the Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce

G4S has joined the Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce as of May 2017. G4S is the world leader in the provision of complex security solutions. It specializes in outsourcing of company processes, assesses existing and future risks and proposes safe solutions leading to the minimization of their impact. G4S has branches strategically located in more than […]

23 May 2017
CTParks to be transformed into artwork

The international developer CTP launches a new mural art competition for illustrators, visual artists, painters and graphic designers – CTP Art Wall. For this project, CTP will provide enormous space – the walls of their own industrial buildings. In doing so, selected CTParks will create a unique outdoor art gallery. Besides the support during the realisation, CTP […]

16 May 2017
Auto Palace´s sales of cars reached new record in 1Q

The dealer group sold 90 % more cars compared to the same period of 2014 and half more than in 2015. The group's overall turnover increased similarly. The sales and turnover of the second largest dealer group, Auto Palace, are continuously growing. This was also the case of the first quarter of this year. The […]

18 April 2017
DRFG becomes a member of the Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce

DRFG investment group has joined the Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce as of April. The group, which was established by David Rusnak in 2011 in Brno, focuses primarily on investments in real estate, health care, utilities, financial services, and telecommunications. DRFG also operates two mutual funds and is the main partner of Kometa Brno ice hockey […]

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