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26 October 2018

NH Hotel invites you to a Tuscan Degustation Dinner

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Ristorante Il Giardino Toscano
22th November 2018 from 6:30 pm

The NH Collection Prague Hotel invites you for an evening full of original Tuscan specialities in the Il Giardino Toscano Restaurant. The 4-course menu will be prepared for you by the Chef of Tuscan restaurant Io Cucino Gionata D’Alessi and the hotel’s Executive Chef Daniel Bukowski. A unique culinary experience will be accompanied by Tuscan wines selected by Rocco Toscani, winemaker from the Italian winery Toscani.
CZK 990 per person
Price includes:
Welcome drink
4-course served menu with a personal presentation of both Chefs
Live cooking show
Tuscan wines paired along with each course
Consumption of soft drinks, beer and coffee/tea
Parking in the NH Prague City Hotel garage
tel.: 257 153 410
Download invitation (CZ/EN version)
Flan di zafferano con cavolfiori e ricotta
Saffron flan with couliflower and ricotta cheese
Šafránový flan s květákem a ricottou
Cruditè di Chianina con acciughe e le sue mostarde
Chianina Cruditè with anchovies and mustard variation
Telecí crudité z plemene Chianina se sardelkami a variací hořčice
Primo piatto
Raviolo rosso ripieno di pappa al pomodoro, con burrata e crema al pomodoro
Red raviolo filled with pappa al pomodoro, dressed with burrata and tomato cream
Červená raviola plněná rajčatovým pyré, s burratou a rajčatovým krémem
Secondo piatto
Coniglio con fiocco di maiale (az. Agricola Oliviero Toscani), spinaci e olive taggiache
Rabbit filled with Toscani fiocco, spinach and taggiasche olives
Králík s fiocco šunkou (z chovu vepřů na Agricola Oliviero Toscani), špenát a olivy Taggiasche
Sfogliatina con ricotta e fonduta di cioccolato
Puff pastry with ricotta cheese and chocolate fondue
Sfogliatina s ricottou a čokoládovým fondue
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