
23 January 2015
The Czechs are unnecessarily wasteful at home, but they want to change it

Češi doma zbytečně plýtvají, ale chtějí to změnit Jedním z pilířů strategie odpovědného podnikání společnosti IKEA je inspirace domácností k aktivnímu snižování spotřeby energie a vody a prevence vzniku odpadu. K tomuto tématu si IKEA nechala vypracovat exkluzivní průzkum, který poodhalil, čím české domácností svítí, jak myjí nádobí nebo jaký je nejpopulárnější způsob třídění odpadu. Češi chtějí žít mnohem ohleduplněji […]

22 January 2015
KLM Renews Cooperation with Leading Dutch Chef Jonnie Boer

From today until 26 October 2015, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines will be serving meals created by the leading three-star Dutch chef Jonnie Boer in World Business Class on flights departing from Amsterdam. “ KLM is pleased to be cooperating again with Jonnie Boer. Our World Business Class passengers greatly appreciated the meals he created in […]

22 January 2015
Boris Gnoth, a specialist in transaction consulting, strengthens Mazars’ team

The audit and consulting company Mazars has boosted its tax consulting team from January with the addition of Boris Gnoth, who will be heading the Transaction Department. Boris Gnoth has long been involved in issues of international taxation, local and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and international structuring. He also has extensive experience in audits. In […]

21 January 2015
EY Czech Republic’s Special Team of 20 Professionals Advises US Banks

EY Czech Republic prides itself on the unique initiative of which it is a part and which supports US banks in developing and validating quantitative models of financial risks. Following two years of effective collaboration with our practice in the United States, this year saw a specialized Quantitative Hub emerge in the Czech Republic, comprising twenty professionals […]

21 January 2015
EY’s Transaction Advisory Services (TAS) named the Accountancy Firm of the Year for 2014 by Mergermarket

EY’s Transaction Advisory Services (TAS) practice celebrates another successful year, crowned by receiving the coveted accolade from Mergermarket. TAS wins top award for the fourth time in five years and tops the prestigious tables of the independent mergers and acquisitions intelligence and data provider since 2010, with the only exception in that span in 2011. […]

18 January 2015
New Sustainability Research by MIT Sloan Management Review, The Boston Consulting Group, and the UN Global Compact Sees Collaboration and Board Engagement as Critical to Sustainability Success

Ninety Percent of Executives Agree That Businesses Need to Collaborate to Address the Sustainability Challenges They Face. Eighty-Six Percent Say That the Board Should Play a Strong Role in a Company’s Sustainability Efforts (Boston, 13 January 2015)—The practice of corporate sustainability is moving beyond ad hoc, opportunistic efforts to embrace a more holistic, strategic approach that pursues transformational […]

16 January 2015
Doing Business in the Czech Republic

Our member Mazars, s.r.o. brings you the brochure "Doing Business in the Czech Republic", which provides a summary description of the business environment in the Czech Republic in English. The publication is intended primarily for foreign investors who decided to invest or start a business in the Czech Republic. The document should be a guide in finding new […]

15 January 2015
The Government supports the involvement of Czech companies and organizations in the initiative UN Global Compact

Vláda podporuje zapojení českých firem a organizací do iniciativy OSN Global Compact Vláda České republiky schválila v usnesení č. 199 strategický dokument Národní akční plán společenské odpovědnosti organizací v ČR. Cílem tohoto dokumentu, připraveného pod záštitou Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu ve spolupráci s Radou kvality ČR a dalšími zainteresovanými stranami, je přispívat k rozvoji konceptu společenské odpovědnosti firem v České republice a jejímu pozitivnímu […]

13 January 2015
The results of the global study ILO appeal to increase the proportion of women in management

Global momentum means more women move into management New study shows positive link between female leadership and business performance and urges boost from current 5 percent of women in top positions. GENEVA (ILO News) – While women are still under-represented in top management, the number of women in senior and middle management positions has increased […]

12 January 2015
Run and support Salvation Army in 2015

Perfect gift for regular runners, MOTIVATIONAL gift for beginners! Purchase the entry with Salvation Army - lower price than from PIM (Prague International Marathon) - 1/2 fee will help people in need It is easy, all you have to do is to follow this link, fill in your name and email and we will send […]

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