
14 October 2019
FinTech adoption rate has grown to 64% globally with 96% aware of at least one service

China and India lead emerging markets with 87% adoption Netherlands, UK and Ireland lead developed economies, buoyed by open banking in Europe Global SME FinTech adoption at 25%, China leads with 61% followed by the US (23%) FinTech adoption rates rose to an average of 64% this year according to EY Global FinTech Adoption Index […]

14 October 2019
100 years of help from Salvation Army

Členové Armády spásy už sto let pomáhají tam, kde jiní zavírají oči. Teď by Vás a Vaši firmu ale chtěli poprosit o pomoc. Budete pro nás několik hodin pracovat? Nebojte, nemusíte nikam chodit. Stačí kliknout na a zapojit se do jedinečné sbírky, jejímž cílem je vybrat dalších 100 let pomoci. Zapojte své kolegy, posilte týmového ducha i obraz […]

13 October 2019
Key take-aways of the CzechInvest panel discussion on “Industry 4.0 and the digitalisation of production”

On 9 October 2019, during the International Engineering Fair (MSV) in Brno, we participated in a panel discussion about Industry 4.0 and the digitalisation of production. This event was organised by CzechInvest as an official part of the Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group. The aim of the discussion was to introduce the future direction of […]

11 October 2019
Huisman Konstrukce, s.r.o.

Company detail: Your partner in contract manufacturing If you need a reliable and flexible partner to help you to produce complex or heavy equipment, a prototype or small series we can be of service. We are at our best when: The equipment consists of a combination of steelworks with either hydraulic and/or electrical systems; Fabricated in high tensile […]

10 October 2019
ING revolutionized with this year's Signal Festival

Revolution – that was the theme of this year’s Signal Festival. And ING as the exclusive partner of this Festival also revolutionized this year with an online map of the Signal Festival provided to all visitors of the festival for free. On top of that ING was also very honored to be the patron of […]

9 October 2019
Can you be taken to court by ‘invitation’ delivered at a postal address?

Under Dutch law, a legal invitation to take someone to court – legally known as ‘summons’ in English or ‘dagvaarding’ in Dutch - must normally be delivered to the place of residence of the person for whom it is intended. The place of residence is the place where the person lives: that is, a place where he […]

9 October 2019
EY helps WiV Technology accelerate fine wine investing with blockchain

Helps value and protect the provenance of fine wine investment Provenance and security are tracked on the blockchain and verified through secure storage in a bonded warehouse Token holders may obtain asset financing against the wine value WiV Technology has selected EY to provide technology services to help develop its fine wine investment trading blockchain platform. […]

9 October 2019
KLM and TU Delft join forces to make aviation more sustainable

KLM and Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) signed a new cooperative agreement to work together on making aviation more sustainable. KLM will be contributing towards TU Delft’s research into an innovative flight concept known as the “Flying-V”, which embraces an entirely different approach to aircraft design, in anticipation and support of sustainable long-distance flight in […]

17 September 2019
The twentieth year of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year competition in the Czech Republic is underway. We’re looking for entrepreneurs who are changing the world for the better

Apply or nominate exceptional entrepreneurs who serve as an inspiration and an example to others for EY’s global entrepreneur competition. Prague, 10 September 2019 – EY is looking for a twentieth EY Entrepreneur of the Year in the Czech Republic who will represent our country at the Monte Carlo World Finals. The competition judging panel is […]

11 September 2019
EY new solution PointellisTM to support delivery of individualized cancer therapies to patients as personal as the therapies themselves

Pointellis serves parties involved in individualized cancer therapy, from patients to providers and manufacturers New solution supports a digital ecosphere and the timely flow of information and materials along the value chain EY announces the launch of Pointellis, a new solution that supports the provision of individualized therapies that target each cancer patient’s specific treatment needs. The […]

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