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22 August 2019

DRFG Group strengthens its telecommunication division with an acquisition of FibreNet, an operator of high-speed optical networks

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DRFG Investment Group has acquired a majority stake in FibreNet from a Slovakian company Heizer Optik. FibreNet owns a high-speed optical network for data transmission across and within Slovakia connected to pan-European route Western Europe - Ukraine - Russia - China. “We definitely plan to develop the company. We want to invest in the construction of additional optical routes not only in Slovakia,” says Roman Řezníček, the Director of Telecommunication Division.Fiber Net

Currently FibreNet operates more than 300 km of backbone routes of optical networks as well as several metropolitan networks used by national and multinational telecommunication operators, regional providers and state administration. “Thanks to the planned investments their length will double in the next year, and there will be more than 600 km of backbone routes with an option of direct connection to the Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary and Ukraine,” reveals Řezníček and adds that the plan also includes the investments in the construction of additional optical routes, not only in Slovakia. “Now we are in an advanced phase of negotiation with several companies engaged in construction and servicing of mobile networks in Europe. On purpose, I say in Europe because we do not want to focus only on the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but actually we see greater opportunities in the neighbouring countries, especially in Germany and Switzerland,” he says. There is also an ongoing cooperation with all key customers, such as O2, Vodafone, Huawei, CETIN, T-Mobile, Salt, Swisscom, Ericsson and Deutsche Telecom.

Double revenues in 2020

According to Řezníček, DRFG has the ambition to expand its portfolio and acquire companies that, in addition to providing services to large operators, will own a telecommunication infrastructure. Due to a new acquisition he also expects a significant growth in revenues. “We even want to double our consolidated revenues in the next year,” he says.FiberNet

Currently, the DRFG Telecommunication Division employs more than 500 people, and has a leading position in construction and servicing of mobile and data networks in Central Europe. At the same time, it has an ambition to become a leader in the construction of 5G networks. “The fifth-generation mobile networks are a Europe-wide opportunity for us, as they have the potential to change our entire society and business. And we want to be best prepared for that,” adds Roman Řezníček, Director of Telecommunication Division.

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