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15 December 2016

Advent Fairs with Albert supported children from orphanages

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The goal of the project of Endowment fund Albert is to prepare children from socially disadvantaged environment for real life and introduce them the basic skills from entrepreneurship. During Advent, children were selling homemade Christmas presents and decorations in almost 70 stores. Fairs with Albert took place in all regions and were joined by 68 orphanages and nonprofit organizations. Customers had the opportunity to support a good thing and in the same time to buy a nice presents for their loved ones.


Fairs with Albert took place in stores all around the Czech Republic from 25th November until 20th December. The project of Endowment fund Albert has not only charitable aspect – the children from socially disadvantaged environment can learn with fun the skills from the world of business and entrepreneurship. During the preparations, which took the children couple months, they received interesting information and useful tips on how to succeed.

The gain went to particular children

“This year, 68 orphanages and nonprofit organizations from all over the Czech Republic joined the project, what makes us very pleased. Thanks to Fairs with Albert, kids had a great opportunity to understand to the real world of trading. Furthermore, it is a great experience for their future professional life,” says Petra Režná from the Endowment fund Albert.

During the preparations, children discovered useful details about the teamwork, behavior to the customers and marketing, which they had the opportunity to use in practice while selling their products. All the 68 participating orphanages and nonprofit organizations gained the financial support from the Endowment Fund Albert to buy materials for creating Christmas products. Afterwards, children were selling their products in special fairs in almost seventy Albert stores. All the gain went to the particular children and organizations, which created the products.

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