
6 October 2014

We would really appreciate your financial support. 14 500 CZK = one collection bin More information about the project RESHARE here.

5 October 2014
The second annual year of "Doing business responsibly" took place

Proběhl druhý ročník akce s názvem Podnikáme odpovědně Akci uspořádala Asociace společenské odpovědnosti v rámci Evropského týdne malých a středních podniků 2014 ve spolupráci s Nizozemsko-českou obchodní komorou, Asociací malých a středních podniků a živnostníků ČR a Radou kvality ČR. Záštitu nad akcí převzal Robert Szurman, předseda Rady kvality ČR. Ten na místě pokřtil příručku s názvem „TIPY A TRIKY — Společenská odpovědnost pro […]

30 September 2014
RESHARE gives a new life to old clothes and people in need

Recently the Salvation Army has started a brand new social project called ReShare, whose main purpose is to collect old clothes in collection bins (containers for clothes), sort it and distribute it through the Salvation Army centres to people who are in an urgent need. This social project was established by Salvation Army in Netherlands […]

30 September 2014
New transparency rules on social responsibility for big companies

Nová pravidla transparentnosti v oblasti CSR pro velké firmy Rada Evropské unie 29. 9. 2014 oficiálně přijala směrnici, která velkým podnikům uděluje povinnost zveřejňovat informace nefinanční povahy. Nový přístup ke zveřejňování informací si klade za cíl posílení transparentnosti a odpovědnosti společností, snížení administrativní zátěže na podniky a zajištění rovných podmínek pro firmy v celé unii. „Firmy, zejména ty velké, […]

30 September 2014
REAL ESTATE Tenants’ Rights in The Netherlands

Introduction The Civil Code, in particular contract law, gives contracting parties a great deal of leeway to shape the form and content of their legal relationship. Most of the provisions in the Civil Code are of a regulatory nature. This means that the provisions only apply in areas not contractually regulated by the parties themselves. When concluding […]

28 September 2014
TNT puts the human touch first in the express delivery industry

Express company calls itself The People Network As part of its Outlook strategy, TNT launches a new brand identity highlighting the TNT people and unique European road network. The new tagline, ‘The People Network’, reflects the company’s culture to develop strong relationships with customers. It showcases TNT’s role as a network of dedicated people who help customers […]

25 September 2014
AFTERNOON TEA: Evaluation methods of CSR and their practical usage

10/06/2014 TNT Express, Heineken, PwC – global companies strong in their CSR strategies shared their best practices with the members of the Netherlands-Czech Chamber of Commerce (NCCC). The event took place in the TNT Express premises in Chrášťany, Prague – West, on 10th June and we would like to thank them for their great organization. […]

24 September 2014
Interview with Pavel Iványi

The Netherlands can be our inspiration in FM Facility management is a relatively young field of business in our country even though it covers and co-ordinates very traditional activities that mainly apply to management and the maintenance of buildings. One of the companies that has been offering services of integrated facility management for years is AB […]

24 September 2014
KPMG Czech Republic joins the 71 percent of companies worldwide issuing CSR reports

By issuing its Corporate Social Responsibility report for 2013, the professional services firm KPMG Czech Republic joins the companies regularly publishing information about their CSR activities. According to the KPMG Survey of Corporate Responsibility Reporting 2013, the number of companies worldwide that do so has reached 71 percent. KPMG Czech Republic’s report titled Our path […]

22 September 2014
Do you have in your neighborhood an organization that takes care about children?

Máte ve svém okolí organizaci, která se stará o děti? Myslíte si, že by IKEA mohla svými produkty této organizaci pomoci a vylepšit tak prostředí, ve kterém děti žijí? Pár kliknutí stačí k tomu, abyste zlepšili život lidem ve vašem okolí. Až do 10. října 2014 můžete prostřednictvím tohoto formuláře přihlašovat organizace, které pomáhají dětem a kterým může IKEA […]

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