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8 December 2018

The first Déhora´s client in the Czech Republic has shortened working hours while maintaining the current wage

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Déhora has developed a new shift schedule in Rodenstock, where employees will work 2.5 hours less a week, keeping their current salary, which is more than 7 free days per year.

Praha, November 2018 - Déhora, which deals with workforce planning and scheduling, has designed a brand new shift schedule for Rodenstock, a global leading manufacturer of eyeglass lenses and eyewear. The target was to reduce the physical and psychological strain for employees while at the same time increasing the total operating time in the factory. Furthermore the intention was to offer a modern and flexible system of working time.

As a result the weekly working time was reduced from 37.5 hours to 35 hours whereas the wages do not change, or even increases with weekly and other company bonuses.

"I believe the results of this project will confirm the importance of adapting working time to the demands of employees, as we have already done in many of our clients abroad. Rodenstock's decision, to give employees more time off, could also be an inspiration for other Czech companies, "says Nunzio Totaro, director of Déhora in the Czech Republic.

Reducing working hours at Rodenstock is the result of a newly introduced shift schedule that regularly counts with weekend shifts. Production took place in Rodenstock mainly on weekdays. Customers send many of the orders during the weekend. Critical was therefore mainly Monday, when the company faced accumulated pending orders. In this situation, it was also complicated to keep up the two-day delivery period. It required more work, and unplanned weekend overtime was often. Accumulated workload and unpredictability of weekend work was the result. With newly set shift schedules, employees now know weekend’s shifts soon enough and when they can plan other activities on a Saturday and Sunday.

Rodenstock has enabled its staff to consider new schedule proposal that had made by Dehora. Their response was very positive and within two weeks had the company the required number of staff to implement the scheduling project. Although employees are now working 2.5 hours less, with a new shift schedule, production has not changed. On the contrary, employee productivity grew by approximately 3%. The company is expecting improvements in the atmosphere at work, and believes that employee satisfaction will lead to reduced sickness rate and fluctuation.

"Based on Déhora's recommendations, we have set up working conditions that meet our production requirements while allowing employees more free time to balance work and personal life. We want to be a modern company that listens to its employees and take care about their satisfaction, "adds Roland Dimbath, director of Rodenstock in Klatovy.

When setting shift schedules for their clients, it is essential for Déhora to find a balance between the employer's needs and employee-friendly conditions. Therefore, they are trying to plan their working hours with regard to the health, performance and personal life of employees, but of course, so as not to disturb the operation and performance of the company.

Necessary information needed to set up a new shift schedules Déhora gains through interviews and surveys among employees. When planning shifts, they are trying to point out that the length and distribution of working time has a significant impact on employee productivity and satisfaction, thus affecting the company's performance and market position.

Working time in the Czech Republic in numbers:

• Until 3 to 5 years, labour unions would reduce working hours by 2.5 hours per week to 37.5 hours while retaining current income (CZ labour unions).

• 45% of Czechs would appreciate 5 hours of working time in their job. (Survey of Up Czech Company)

• The interest in shortening working hours is similar across employees across age ranges, appreciating both men and women. (Raiffeisenbank study)

• A shortened working time of 37.5 hours a week is already in the Czech Republic for a number of professions. This applies, for example, to miners or to three-shift regime and non-stop working modes.

• The number of hours worked, including overtime, includes the Czech Republic in the European Union on average. The average employee spends 41.7 hours per week at work, less than half an hour over the European average. (Eurostat data)

• Average weekly working hours in the Czech Republic declined slightly, down 41.1 hours last year compared to 42 hours in 2003. While employees worked on average 39.3 hours a week, entrepreneurs 44.1 hours. (Raiffeisenbank study)

• Czechs in labour productivity only reach 80% of the European average. (Eurostat data)

• With shorter working days, Sweden, for example, has been experimenting. with shorter working hours for some private companies. Shortened working hours have been proven by some private companies.

• France is among the European countries with the shortest working hours of 35 hours a week. After counting overtime, however, the working time is equal to that in the Czech Republic, i.e. 40 hours a week.

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