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25 September 2015

Tebodin: BERA B.V. receives Cradle to Cradle certificate for sustainable production

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Sustainable production: BERA B.V. shows that it is possible, even when your company passes through international growth. On Saturday September 26, 2015 the efforts of the Dutch company for exterior systems were rewarded with a Cradle to Cradle certificate for one of their most important products: BERA Gravel Fix® Pro. With the certificate, it has been officially established that the production process for gravel stabilization is fully sustainable and environmentally conscious.
During the certification process of BERA B.V., consulting and engineering firm Tebodin, part of Bilfinger SE, was the supporting partner and during the festive opening of the plant Tebodin handed BERA the certificate. Among the attendees were the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Mr. Bohuslav Sobotka, and Deputy Ambassador of the Netherlands in Czech Republic, Mr. Peter Keulers.
BERA B.V.’s plant is established in the Czech Republic. The certification of this product means the first Cradle to Cradle certificate for a product realized in the Czech Republic.
The full production process
To qualify for certification, a company has to review their complete production process. As official Cradle to Cradle assessor, Tebodin has implemented this for BERA. Tebodin checked the material health and re-usability, the use of green energy within the production process, the water stewardship and the social fairness for the residents and employees.
Another important aspect is that at the end of the product life, all used materials are applicable for new products. The suppliers of the required materials for BERA Gravel Fix® Pro are tested on the Cradle to Cradle criteria as well.
Choosing for sustainability with the same quality
BERA B.V. is an international producer and distributor of intelligent and creative products for exterior use. A few examples of products are stabilisation systems for gravel and grass, ecosystems that infiltrate rain and other products to limit the increasing nuisance of rain water. This product is a good solution to infiltrate water in the soil, and still have a hardened ground. Because BERA Gravel Fix® Pro is now Cradle to Cradle Certified™, this product is now available for everyone who chooses for sustainability, without having to cut back on quality and affordability. A sustainable product for a sustainable application.
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