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1 April 2020

The Salvation Army: your help is needed!

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The Salvation Army faces a lack of masks, respirators and disinfectant stands to be able to provide shelter for the homeless people 24 hours a day.

The Salvation Army's social services centers for homeless people are still open at full capacity or at capacity as required by the situation. At the same time, they have prepared a contingency plan in the event of a reduction in the number of workers or are working on its completion.

New hostel in Prague 7

Due to the declaration of a state of emergency throughout the Czech Republic, which also includes restrictions on the free movement of persons, we are cooperating on the operation of humanitarian accommodation facilities for homeless people. We want to prevent the uncontrolled spread of Covid-19 infection not only in this group but also outside it. We are currently running a hostel in Prague 7 and we are discussing other capacities.

In the area of the low-threshold day center in Ostrava, we increased the daily accommodation capacity by 2 tents borrowed by the Czech Red Cross.

Cooperation between the Salvation Army and the Red Cross in practice

We set most of our dormitories to run 24 hours a day so people don't have to leave the facility in the morning and can stay inside. In this case we are still helped by the Nocleženka project, thanks to which we will be able to cover the higher costs associated with this special operation.

Unfortunately, we still have a lack of masks and respirators, despite the huge help of many people who sew at home in their free time or from other organizations. We would also need disinfectant stands. We would greatly appreciate any help from all those of you who can support us.

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