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24 May 2017

The best apprentices met together in Ahold Headquarters

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Apprentices from Czech vocational schools who attend training programs in Albert stores met together in Ahold Prague´s Headquarters in May. The event that was organized for the second time was attended by 60 apprentices from all regions across the Czech Republic. During the event, the students had the possibility to get to know how a big multinational company works. In addition, they found out useful information regarding career opportunities and employee benefits offered by Albert.

“Support of practical education of apprentices from the vocational schools is an essential part of our long-term strategy. Meeting the apprentices is remarkable opportunity for us to show what stands behind a day-to-day operation of our stores. At the same time, it was a unique way how to thank them for a great job they have done during the whole year for us,” says Eva Mušinska from the HR department of Albert retail chain.

The apprentices came from 13 secondary vocational schools across the whole Czech Republic. Albert stores provide a wide range of positions at which the students can apply their knowledge in practice. For example, they can try work from a shop assistant to a baker. Novelty is that apprentice placements are also provided at the distribution centers of the company where students can gain logistics experience.

"I chose training programme in Albert store because I like varying job and every day is in Albert different. I also enjoy communication with people. That's why I would like to stay in Albert store even after finishing my school," says Ondřej Ježek.

Albert cooperates with dozens of secondary vocational schools across the Czech Republic. For example in Central Bohemia, there are schools in Kladno, Nymburk or Brandys nad Labem. Retail chain offers student training programs and students have also an opportunity to finish their compulsory placement required by school in the stores. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, apprentices can acquire the practical knowledge of their future profession, professionally develop themselves and also gain contacts and a possibility of future cooperation.

Albert_Setkání s učni 2017
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