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9 September 2021

Support Harbour Homes by the Salvation Army with us

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Have you ever wondered how people experiencing homelessness end up? What might they experience when advanced age or serious illness is added to their time on the streets?

Unfortunately, the end of these people is often very bleak, which is what the Salvation Army is trying to prevent. That is why the Harbour Homes service works to provide these people with shelter, food, medical care, hope and, in the end, a dignified exit from what is so often an unhappy world for them. In the Harbour Homes, these people find an oasis of peace and safety, a place where they can feel that they are not completely abandoned by the world. 

We consider the Harbour Homes to be one of the best services the Salvation Army offers, but it is also one that costs a lot of money. We would be very grateful if you could support the Harbour Homes so that these places can continue to function and help. 

The story of Mr. Pavel from the Harbour Home

Mr. Pavel has had quite normal, maybe a bit lonely life. He never married and lived a relatively nomadic life - he drove all over the country and assembled cranes, and sometimes he drank alcohol.

Mr. Pavel lost his job at pre-retirement age and ended up on the streets. He tried to break through as best he could, and fortunately, he came across the Salvation Army. He found shelter there, and also job in the Reshare project. In time, Mr. Pavel worked his way up to the Salvation Army's training flat. However, his health deteriorated and he could no longer live alone. That's why Mr. Pavel ended up in the Harbour Home (Domov Přístav), where he is very satisfied and even found a close friend here - Mrs. Jana, with whom they spend time together, talking and watching animals.

Mr. Pavel has an incredibly pleasant face and good eyes, which in his case are really a window to the soul.

The Salvation Army, with its Harbour Homes project, is a charity partner of this year's Prinsjesdag event of the NCCC Traders by Nature.

The Prinsjesdag event will take place on 21 September, from 17:30, at SmetanaQ. The Harbour Homes project will be presented, and the guests will have an opportunity to donate via QR code during the Prinsjesdag event, too.

The Prinsjesdag event is supported by its gold partner Shell; the other partners include Albert, Heineken and Zátiší Group. 

Donations possible in CZK or EUR. Thank you.

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