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27 January 2012

Raben Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk

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Raben Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk moves its depot to a new distribution centre

Recently, Raben Ukraine in Dnipropetrovsk has moved its depot to a new modern distribution centre. Thanks to the new facility company will be able to meet the existing demand in range of contract logistics in the Eastern region of Ukraine. It will also ensure “just in time” deliveries of the shipments.

It is an “A” class distribution centre with the total area of 6500 m2, 1750 m2 of which is for cross-docking and 4750 m2 for storage.

"As Customer Orientation is one of our values, in questions of investment we rely upon our customers’ needs. The analysis of market conditions showed that there is a significant demand for contract logistics and high-level services in Dnipropetrovsk. The new warehouse provides greater capacities for handling and optimize the cost of transport services for East and South Ukraine directions. It will also let us reduce the delivery times to this area, which now is one day faster" - said Boris Khruslov, the Managing Director of Raben Ukraine.

13 new docks provide proper conditions for flexible and fast unloading, loading and shipping. Additionally, thanks to the video surveillance system, a complex trace of each shipment in warehouse is possible. The warehouse is also equipped with a sprinkle fire system which will ensure safety of goods in stock.

The new distribution centre is located on an entrance to Dnipropetrovsk from Poltava Highway side. Such location allows customers of Raben Ukraine to avoid the risks of cargo transport entrance restriction. On the other hand, this interchange will enable Raben to accelerate transits in the direction of Kyiv, Donetsk, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhya, Simferopol, Kriviy Rig and others, avoiding the need to enter the city itself.

"Strengthening the position in storage services is one of the highest priorities in our plans for regional development. We believe that the new distribution centre in Dnipropetrovsk will allow our customers to receive high quality contract logistics services and will serve as a distribution centre for retailers. In 2011-2012 we are also planning to develop our facilities in southern and western regions of Ukraine. In the meantime, we continue to invest in CRM system, our staff professional development and IT solutions to optimize warehouse operations and shipment process"- Boris Khruslov added.

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