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15 June 2021

Albert donated more than 38 tons of food to those in need throughout the pandemic time

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The corona crisis caught the whole society by surprise. Continuing situation brought many on the brink of poverty, others were overly busy, like the doctors, nurses, but also the shop assistants at Albert stores. People at Albert did their part and throughout the whole difficult time served customers in safe environment and seamlessly without any breaks in supply.

But Albert saw its societal role more widely than just that – the Company has started with aid for hospitals, non-profit organizations or to Red Cross organization from early days of crisis. As a good citizen, Albert started to send extra food to the Federation of Food Banks and 14 hospitals. Others, like the 200 social organisations mainly helping socially disadvantaged kids, received repeatedly monetary and material help. „We are very pleased that Albert was perceptive to the situation with coronavirus and helped our med staff. Thanks to continuous help and gesture of goodwill, our staff in hospital felt supported and very much appreciated for their hard and sometimes exhausting work,“ commented Ludmila Simackova, head of marketing and PR in Fakultni nemocnice Motol.

Albert repeatedly supported the Red Cross with hundreds of gift cards or disinfection

Albert sent not only food help. The company repeatedly supported the Red Cross with hundreds of gift cards to Albert stores and help their staff and volunteers to buy lunch or snacks during their daily shifts. Albert also donated 3000 litres of disinfection and 800 litres of antibacterial soap. Food help to hospitals is currently stopped due to better pandemic situation however another cooperation is in discuss. For example, in next few weeks Albert will donate to kids department in hospitals or to orphanages Lego kits and another disinfection.

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