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23 September 2024

profid introduces the HAI project

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Introducing Human Alternative Intelligence (HAI), our groundbreaking collaboration with our client Adventor

Adventor is a dedicated organisation that has been supporting and empowering children, adults, and families impacted by autism since 2010. More than just a service provider, they are a thriving community built on mutual support and understanding. To their team and volunteers, autism isn’t viewed as a blessing or a curse—it simply “is”, a natural part of the rich diversity that makes us human. Adventor’s mission is rooted in the values of social inclusion, where autistic and non-autistic individuals collaborate in integrated teams, embracing one another's unique traits with respect, kindness, and a bit of humour.

Together, profid and Adventor launched an innovative pilot project that harnesses the unique strengths of individuals on the autism spectrum to manage invoice processing in our accounting system.

Rather than relying on artificial intelligence for data entry, we've embraced a different approach—employing what we proudly call "alternative human intelligence." This project, which began in August, brings together four dedicated clients who are redefining what's possible in the workplace.

At KOPEC, Adventor’s community, counselling and education centre in Prague 2, we’ve created a welcoming workspace that also serves as a mailroom. Clients can choose to drop off their invoices in person, savoring a cup of coffee while they’re here, or send them electronically to our HAI team.

If you're curious to learn more about our HAI project or interested in participating, we'd love to hear from you. Reach out to us via email or phone (+420 774 492 449) - let's connect!

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