
11 February 2015
The problem of growing urbanization as a challenge of sustainable development

Source: Global Opportunity Report 2015, United Nations Global Compact, the whole study in English is available here Problém rostoucí urbanizace výzvou udržitelného rozvoje Podle zprávy Global Opportunity Report 2015 je rostoucí urbanizace jednou z hlavních výzev udržitelného rozvoje. Každoročně se na světě přestěhuje z vesnic do měst až 70 milionů obyvatel. S nimi přicházejí i nové problémy. Větší dopravní […]

9 February 2015
Give & Gain Day 2015

(for English please scroll down) Již pátý ročník mezinárodního dne firemního dobrovolnictví Give & Gain proběhne v pátek 15. května. Tisíce dobrovolníků ze stovek firem jde v tento den pomáhat veřejně prospěšným organizacím po celém světě. Je to šance i pro vás se k této úspěšné akci připojit. Podívejte se na fotografie z minulého ročníku. Prosím registrujte svou firmu do […]

6 February 2015
What a waste: study finds big US brands stuck on disposable packaging

Lagging behind the rest of the developed world, American brands continue to opt for the worst packaging materials, according to a report released Thursday Big brands, including Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, KFC, Kraft Foods and MillerCoors, are wasting billions of dollars worth of valuable materials because they sell food and drinks in subpar packaging, according to […]

2 February 2015
Do you want to speak (improve) Dutch?

For the beginning of 2015 the language school Slůně – svět jazyků in Prague offers specialised courses focused on Dutch and the Netherlands: 1/ Dutch Intensive: 10 intensive lessons. The aim is either to learn the basics or upgrade what you have picked up from your Dutch partners or colleagues. 2/ Dutch semester: A course for […]

2 February 2015
New KLM flights in Europe, Canada and South America

The airline KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is expanding its network to new destinations in the summer schedule. From May 18, 2015 the flights from Amsterdam to three new European cities - Belfast (Northern Ireland), Krakow (Poland) and Montpellier (France) will be a part of the flight schedule on daily frequency. For long-haul flights KLM opens on […]

2 February 2015
E15 – „The Netherlands – Business Partner of the Czech Republic“

Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in PragueNetherlands-Czech Chamber of CommercePartner: prepared a special annex about the Netherlands (in Czech only), an important trading partner for the Czech Republic. Please download HERE. The Netherlands and the Czech Republic - Let's learn from each otherEconomy - Innovation and creativityNonprofit sector - Common valuesProject Maasvlakte 2: […]

30 January 2015
TES Diversity - Current Trends of Diversity

O současných trendech v uplatňování principů diverzity a inkluze v regionu střední a východní Evropy jsme diskutovali na včerejším setkání TES Diverzita. Jedním z důležitých podkladů byla studie publikovaná konzultantskou firmou Roland Berger ve spolupráci s Erste Bank. Studie uvádí, že 52% velkých firem v našem regionu zavádí aktivity na podporu inkluze a diverzity a okolo 11% firem má alespoň jednoho zaměstnance, který […]

29 January 2015
Why diversity matters

New research makes it increasingly clear that companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially. We know intuitively that diversity matters. It’s also increasingly clear that it makes sense in purely business terms. Our latest research finds that companies in the top quartile for gender or racial and ethnic diversity are more likely to have […]

27 January 2015
Petr Drahoš and Tereza Köppelová from Mazars awarded as “Tax Advisors of the Year”

Mazars scored big in the fifth annual “Tax Advisor of the Year” awards. Its tax advisors Petr Drahoš and Tereza Köppelová were victorious in their categories and both were also chosen for the “Dream Tax Office”. Petr Drahoš won in the “Brightest Tax Star – Value Added Tax” category, while Tereza Köppelová, who specialises in […]

23 January 2015
CTPark Network Expands at Two New Locations

CTPark Přeštice and CTPark Uherské Hradiště CTP is pleased to announce the addition of CTPark Přeštice and CTPark Uherské Hradiště to the award-winning CTPark Network, Central Europe's largest system of integrated, premium business parks. CTPark Přeštice is located directly 15 km south of Plzeň on the E 53 highway in an area with a long tradition […]

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