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16 December 2022

Brexit Adjustment Reserve

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EU trade program supporting Dutch companies negatively affected by the Brexit

In 2022 and 2023 the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) is executing the EU trade program. Its goal is to support companies negatively affected by the Brexit with trade promotion. The Netherlands has been allocated 886 million euro from the EU trade programme, and is after Ireland the second largest beneficiary.

The EU trade program facilitates access to and trade with alternative (than the UK) foreign markets for companies negatively affected by Brexit. The negative impact can lie in loss of market share, trade volume, turn-over or additional experienced trade barriers.

The RVO is currently selecting companies for the supporting phase of the program, under the condition that they show proof of the abovementioned negative impact by submitting existing administrative documents.

The supportive phase facilitates collective trade promotion efforts tailor-made for the qualified companies. After selection, the companies enter into a (virtual) community where they can interact with each other. It also gives them access to demand-based individual and collective support.

In short:

a) the capability program is designed to improve competences and knowledge of exporting in order to boost diversification;

b) trade impulse program is directed to accelerate (existing) trade with alternative European markets by mainly promotional and business development activities within particular sector /market combination;

c) Bilateral cooperation is directed to develop the trade potential with not yet obvious trade partners, i.e. at relatively new or unmature markets;

d) Trade missions/fairs is more activity based, where companies are able to expand their expertise, regional knowledge and networks.

The EU Trade program will run until 31 December 2023.

If your mother company in the Netherlands wants to become a beneficiary of this program, please consult this page to learn how to apply: EU-Handelsprogramma: vergroot uw exportkennis en internationale netwerk (

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