
Cryptocurrencies and international sanctions

By Hana Erbsová, Attorney-at-Law, HAVEL & PARTNERS Unfortunately, it is no longer just technology and taxes but more recently also the current war in Ukraine that impact the world of cryptocurrencies. Virtual assets, or crypto assets, which include so-called cryptocurrencies, are currently often mentioned in connection with international sanctions against the Russian Federation. Let us […]

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What is the importance of general terms and conditions under Dutch law?

Author: Brigitte Vaňatová, VEEM.Legal. Your Dutch lawyer who speaks Czech and Dutch. April 2022 Many Czech companies are doing business with Dutch companies and vice versa. Practice shows that many companies mainly focus on the contract that contains further agreements, but the general terms and conditions are regularly forgotten. In the event of a dispute, […]

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Charitable support to Ukraine, and taxes in light of the recently announced Amendment to the Income Tax Act

Authors: David Krch, Kateřina Havlínová, Jan Macháček Source: Tax Flash, 9 March 2022, Havel & Partners In connection with the conflict in Ukraine, we have prepared a tax summary of how charitable support in the form of monetary and non-monetary donations is currently treated from the perspective of both companies and individuals, especially for the […]

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European study on tax compliance and tax technology: hardly any grip on processes of multinationals

How do (European) multinationals keep a grip on tax (return) processes and obligations (tax compliance) when they operate in an international environment with multiple entities? How do they ensure that they are fully in control? Do differences exist in their approach and what challenges do they face when it comes to tax compliance? This white […]

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The deadline for submitting a notification of income paid to a foreign country is approaching

Source: Havel & Partner, Tax Flash, 20 January 2022. Authors: Josef Žaloudek, Kamila Chládková Do you know how to complete the form and what to include in the notification? Please note that by the end of January 2022, it is necessary to file an annual Notification of Income Paid to a Foreign Country in 2021 that […]

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Erik Fortgens appointed new country manager of ING Czech Republic

In 2022, ING celebrates 30 years on the Czech market. As of 1 January, the bank is led by Erik Fortgens. The Head of Wholesale Banking in the Czech Republic succeeds former CEO, Roel Huisman, who has been appointed head of change at the newly established global department ING Payments and Settlement utility. As per […]

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Amendment to the Energy Act from 1 January 2022

Source: Weinhold Legal, Legal Update November 2021 On 14 September, 2021, the Chamber of Deputies approved a government bill amending Act No. 458/2000 Coll., on the conditions of business and the exercise of state administration in the energy sectors and on amendments to certain acts (Energy Act), as amended, Act No. 455/1991 Coll, No. 634/2004 […]

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The value of the HAVEL & PARTNERS Group is almost CZK 2.3 billion

According to an analysis prepared by the consulting firm Patria Corporate Finance, the value of the law firm HAVEL & PARTNERS, including the Slovak office and the training Academy, is almost CZK 2 billion. According to the analysis, the valuation of the entire group, including the collection agency Cash Collectors and other entities within the […]

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TaxForum – online conference by EKP on 23 November 2021

Our member company EKP cordially invites you to the first-year online conference called “TaxForum”, which they are preparing in cooperation with Wolters Kluwer ČR. Get prepared for the forthcoming tax and accounting changes of 2022 and the expected developments of 2023-2025 in the accounting and tax field. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, there […]

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Thinking ahead with Mevi

Our member Mevi has many years of experience in the field of production, this is why Mevi can always think along with you. Basically, the ability to think with you can be divided into two areas. Firstly, in the area of cost reduction. Mevi always tries to ensure that unnecessary costs are avoided. Secondly, Mevi […]

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