Venture Capital Financing of Technology Start-Ups

The Czech Republic’s role in developing exciting and innovative technology solutions is becoming known globally, with local technology start-ups catching the attention of investors from Silicon Valley and elsewhere. Taking inventive and innovative ideas to a global market requires skill, determination, a bit of luck and...investors.

Venture capitalists are scouring the Czech market for the next Big Thing, and your idea could be it. Once you have the attention of investors, how do you get from an initial approach to having investors’ cash to build your company? Venture capital funding may appear complex and difficult but it need not be.

This is the second of two seminars by our member Weinhold Leagal which look at how venture capital financing transactions for technology and other start ups are developed and structured, with an emphasis on the legal and tax aspects of these transactions. The first webinar on 27 January was focused on  an introduction to venture capital financing, including what venture capital financing is, what kinds of businesses may need it and how a business can prepare for a financing.

In this second seminar Pav Younis of Weinhold Legal, with help from Jana Svobodová of ASB Group, will demystify the legal and tax minefield that is venture capital financing, with a focus on technology start-ups. This seminar will concentrate on the anatomy of a venture capital financing transaction, by way of an examination of a typical term sheet, looking at the details of what such a deal contains.

Please join us; you will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers live.

25 February 2021

10.00 - 11.30

This free webinar will be in English and will last approximately 1.5 hours.
All you will need is the usual video and audio capabilities on your computer, phone or lap top.

Please register here

Deadline for registration: 23 February 2021

After registering for the webinar, you will be sent a link no later than on the day before the event, which will allow you to join.

If case of any questions, please contact Eva Koloničná


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