Tuesday, 19 September 2023
17:30 - 21:30
Villa Grébovka, Havlíčkovy sady, Praha 2

This year's Prinsjesdag (Dutch Budget Day surrounded by lots of ceremonial involving the King and both Chambers of Parliament) became a platform for our Creative Heroes Award programme. Prinsjesdag Creative Heroes Connect harmoniously united creativity, innovation, and exceptional individuals who inspire profound positive change.
17.30-18.00 Welcome drink and registration
18.00-18.05 Opening, Pavel Iványi, President NCCC Traders by Nature
18.05-18.20 Highlights of the 'Troonrede', H.E. Mr. Daan Huisinga, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
18.20-19.00 Talks by the 2023 Creative Heroes Award winners, their projects and their impact. Find out who are the Creative Heroes of 2023 https://cenakreativnichhrdinu.cz/rocnik-2023/.
Among the audience you could recognise other Creative Heroes of the 2023. Have a look who they were https://cenakreativnichhrdinu.cz/finaliste/
19.00-21.30 Indonesian 'rijsttafel' & networking
Gold partner

Silver partner


Beverage partner