Tuesday, 20 September 2022
17.30 - 21.30
Refectory of the Dominican Monastery, Jilská 5, Praha 1
The 2022 edition of our Prinsjesdag event brought us to the baroque Refectory, a beautiful medieval convent that has been reconstructed recently, with the aim to connect people. Our guests were truly amazed by this peaceful place hidden in the Prague Old Town.
Pavel Iványi, NCCC President, opened the event and was followed by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, H.E. Mr. Daan Huisinga, who summarized the Troonrede (King's speech from the throne to the Dutch Parliament). Jana Melníková, representing the Eduzměna foundation, charity partner of Prinsjesdag 2022, introduced their efforts towards structural change of the Czech (primary) education system based on the Dutch model. Our keynote speaker, Artur Sychov, Creator of Somnium Space, took us to the open, social and persistent virtual reality world that we could see on the screen thanks to his VR set, while he was physically with us at the Refectory. What an amazing experience!
Last but not least, our new Deputy Director, Ariane Semrádová, was introduced, and guests had plenty of opportunities to talk to her, as well as to other nice guests of the Prinsjesdag, while enjoying the rijsttafel, a selection of Indonesian dishes.
Thank you all for spending this pleasant evening with us, and we look forward to seeing you at our next events!
If you feel like supporting the systemic change of Czech education system, you are more than welcome to donate to the Eduzměna foundation here, or via the QR code beow. And make sure to watch their fantastic video!
Thank you, Prinsjesdag 2022 partners:
Platinum partner
Silver partners
Charity partner
Welcome drink and registration
Opening, Pavel Iványi, President NCCC Traders by Nature
Highlights of the 'Troonrede', H.E. Mr. Daan Huisinga, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands
'Eduzměna – Let’s change how we teach in the Czech Republic', Jana Melníková, Relationship & Philantrophy at Eduzměna Foundation
'The future of an immersive metaverse', Artur Sychov, VR Evangelist and Creator of Somnium Space, an open, social and persistent virtual reality world
Indonesian 'rijsttafel' & networking