Monday 3 October 2022, 17.00–19.00
Embassy of France, Velkopřevorské nám. 2, Praha 1
As member of the NCCC, you are cordially invited to attend the official launch of RETHINK on Monday 3rd October at the French Embassy in Prague.
RETHINK is a CEO-led initiative of major companies in the Czech Republic working together to support long-term climate stability and energy security.
Among others, you would have the opportunity to meet like-minded people, committed to long-term climate stability such as CEOs and representatives of ČEZ, Komerční banka, Škoda, Veolia, BNP Paribas and IKEA.
17:00 - 17:10
Welcome speech of Alexis Dutertre, Ambassador of France to the Czech Republic
17:10 - 17:30
Introduction led by
- Peter J. Kalaš, Czech Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Anna Hubáčková, Minister of the Environment
- Representative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- Professor Michal Marek, CzechGlobe, Czech expert on climate change
17:30 - 18:00
Remarks by CEOs
18:00 - 18:10
Ceremonial signing of RETHINK manifesto
Please note that companies at this stage need not have signed the manifesto in order to attend.
18:10 - 18:30
Closing words
18:30 - 19:30
Networking cocktail
Entrance fee
Members: Free
Non-members: Members only event
Please write an e-mail directly to Erika Duchanova at