18.00 - 23.00
The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands would like to cordially invite you to the jubilee Literature Night 2016 which takes place on Wednesday, 11 May, 6 - 11 pm, in Prague 8 - Karlín.
Within the 10th Literature Night, 48 Czech cities and towns will host public readings of contemporary European literature at attractive, usually inaccessible venues. During one evening, well known personalities will present several excerpts in translation to local languages. The audience can choose freely the venues to visit and excerpts to listen to.
In Prague, visitors can attend readings at 21 places in Karlín, among them also Karlínské Spektrum - Dům dětí a mládeže hl. m. Prahy, where the actor Jiří Štrébl will read from the Czech translation of Alexander Munninghoff’s De Stamhouder (Pokračovatel rodu). This awarded book was recently translated by Veronika ter Harmsel Havlíková and published by Mladá Fronta. The readings will be repeated every 30 minutes from 6 pm to 11 pm.
The Literature Night is organized by Czech Centres in cooperation with EUNIC members, cultural departments of embassies et al.
For more details and programme view:http://www.literaturenights.eu/cs/2016