Tuesday 4 October 2022, 10.00 - 17.00
French Institute, Štěpánská 644, Prague 1
The Innovation Forum on Climate Change and Energy Security is a public kick-off event of the RETHINK project.
RETHINK is a CEO-led initiative of major companies in the Czech Republic working together to support long-term climate stability and energy security.
It will showcase specific ways in which Czech-based companies are rethinking how they operate their businesses designed to ensure their long-term sustainability, resilience and competitiveness and contribute at the same time to a greater prosperity, environmental protection and social levels of Czech society.
This event will provide an opportunity to learn about up-to-date innovative approaches to Net Zero and energy security and share ideas about how we reap the benefits of transitioning to a carbon-free economy across selected sectors of Czech economy. More information here
Among others, you would have the opportunity to meet like-minded people, committed to long-term climate stability such as CEOs and representatives of ČEZ, Komerční banka, Škoda, E.ON, PRE, Schneider Electric and IKEA.
10:00 - 10:10
Opening and introductory words, Peter J. Kalas, President, CBCSD
10:10 - 11:20
Energy Security and Decarbonisation Panel
moderated by Zuzana Krejcirikova, Vice President of CBCSD, (CEZ) Jiri Mlynar, Head of Energy Purchase, E.ON
Jiri Tichy, CEO, Schneider Electric
Jaromir Vorel, CEO, SKOENERGO
Pavel Elis, CEO, Prazska energetika (PRE)
Martin Ruzicka, Director of Development, Technologies and Efficiency Division, Unipetrol
Guest Panelist: Jan Harnych, Energy Sector Manager, Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
11:20 - 12:00
Transport and Mobility Panel
moderated by Tomas Janeba, President, Czech Infrastructure Association (CIA)
Roman Koksal, CEO, Siemens Mobility
Karel Novak, Head of Product Platforms, IVECO
Ondrej Pribyl, Dean, Faculty of Transportation Sciences of the Czech Technical University in Prague Veronika Marcekova, Sustainability Project Manager, SKODA AUTO
Guest Panelist: Katerina Davidova, Manager, Center for Transport and Energy
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:40
Buildings and Construction Panel
moderated by Petr Matyas, COB, Czech BIM Council – buildingSMART Czech Republic (di5 architekti, inzenyri) Filip Krestan, Production Director, Metrostav
[representative to be confirmed], Saint Gobain
Ondrej Sramek, Director Corporate Affairs Eastern Europe, Knauf Insulation [to be confirmed]
Guest Panelist: Jiri Nouza, President, Association of Building Entrepreneurs of the Czech Republic (ABE)
13:40 - 14:20
Circular Economy Panel
moderated by Peter J. Kalas, President of CBCSD
Jan Chovanec, CEO, Malfini
Pavel Zednicek, Executive and Financial Director, Incien
Roman Snop, Head of R&D, CEZ Energeticke produkty
Eva Mala Beluska, Business Development & Transformation Manager, IKEA
Guest Panelist: Jan Gemmrich, Executive Secretary, Cement Producers Association CZ
14:20 - 14:40
Coffee Break
14:40 - 15:20
Water Panel
moderated by Petr Dovolil, Member of CBCSD Presidium (PwC) Pavel Valek, COB, Prague Water Management Company Jaroslav, Duris, CEO, WERO Energy
David Benes, CEO, REMA System [representative to be confirmed], Veolia
Guest Panelist: Filip Wanner, Member of the Commission for Wastewater Treatment Plants, The Water Supply and Sewerage Association of the Czech Republic
15:20 - 16:00
ESG and Sustainable Finance Panel
moderated by Hana Kovarova, Member of CBCSD Presidium, Komercni banka (KB)
[representative to be confirmed], BNP Paribas
Magdalena Radova, Impact & Investment Manager, Tilia Impact Ventures
Eva Bucova, Sustainability Committee Chair, ING (representative of Change for Better)
Jan Brazda, Partner (Czech ESG&Public Sector and CEE Infrastructure Finance Lead), PwC
Guest Panelist: Andrea Ferjencikova, EIB Group Representative in Czechia, European Investment Bank
16:00 - 16:30
Closing words and CBCSD invitations to further actions
Video contribution, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Jonathan Wootliff, RETHINK Ambassador
Jan Kriz, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Environment
Peter J. Kalas, President, CBCSD
16:30 - 17:00
Farewell drink
Entrance fee
Members: 1,200 CZK + 21% VAT
Non-members: 2,400 CZK + 21% VAT
Please write an e-mail directly to Erika Duchanova at duchanova@cbcsd.cz