It is a nice soundbite: “Impact is the new profit”. Profit is something we have defined, measured and reported for years. When we speak about profit, it gives us a feeling we know what we talk about. Profit is at the centre of any solid business case.
But how about sustainability or impact? How can we measure, account for and value these?
The impact economy is an answer to the call for a more sustainable way of doing business. It provides a license to operate that is granted based on the value a business creates for all its stakeholders, and not just for its shareholders. It includes a business's impact on, for example, job creation, climate change, and the quality of life of its clients.
But how do you steer a company or an organisation on impact?
And how do you communicate this impact to your shareholders, stakeholders, the market, and the economic landscape as a whole?
During this event, we learned from the Dutch Impact Institute and the Czech Impact Hub how to integrate sustainability and impact in your business and provide full transparency about it at the same time.
When: Tuesday 3 November from 16:00 until 17:00
16:00 – 16:05
Welcome and Opening by Bastiaan Brouns, Director of the Netherlands-Czech
Chamber of Commerce
16:05 – 16:30
Keynote speech “The new profit is impact” by Adrian de Groot Ruiz, Executive
Director of the Impact Institute
16:30 – 16:50
“How to integrate sustainability in your business model” by Yveta Holečková,
responsible for Innovation & Acceleration at Impact Hub Czech Republic
16:50 – 17:00
Online via Zoom.