Holland Workshop


Holland Workshop

7. 2. 2017, 14:15-16:00 (dinsdag)


Graag nodigen wij u uit voor de Holland Workshop 2017 georganiseerd door Henri Willig Kaas B.V. Daar vindt u op één plek heel toeristisch Nederland: Hollandse iconen, musea, attracties, hotels en incoming touroperators. De workshop heeft als uitgangspunt Holland in al zijn facetten. We proberen u een beeld te geven waar u en uw klanten van kunnen genieten en Nederland kunt ervaren.


14.15   Algemene Holland presentatie
16.30   Netwerkborrel en afsluiting


Voor NCCC-leden gratis – registratie nodig uiterlijk tot 6.2.2017 17:00 HIER 

Lijst van de Nederlandse exposanten HIER


Holland Workshop

7. 2. 2017, 14:15-16:00 (úterý)
Radisson Blu Alcron Hotel, Štěpánská 40, Praha 1


Dovolujeme si Vás touto cestou pozvat na Holandský workshop organizovaný nizozemskou společností Henri Willig Kaas B.V., kde budou představeny nejvýznamnější holandské turistické ikony, muzea, památky, hotely a atrakce. Představí se zde významní zástupci holandské kultury a turismu, jako například Keukenhof Holland, Van Gogh Museum nebo Heineken Experience.

   Prezentace Holandska
15:30   Zakončení se skleničkou, networking



Pro členy NCCC zdarma - nutná registrace do 6.2.2017 17:00 ZDE

Seznam prezentací ZDE

You can join our events via our online community platform. You do not have to be a member of the NCCC to become a member of our online community platform. Membership of our online community platform is for free.
Non-NCCC members benefit from its functionality surrounding specific events.
NCCC members enjoy its full functionality, all the time, together with many more membership benefits.
And don't forget to explore who we are - This is us!
By registering for this event, I hereby CONSENT to the capturing of my pictures and/or audio-visual recordings at NCCC-organized events. This includes the use of pictures and/or audio-visual recordings taken/shot and edited by an external professional photographer. I understand and agree that these pictures and/or audio-visual recordings may be published in the NCCC's promotional materials, newsletters, presentations, websites, and social media platforms (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) for marketing purposes.
If you do not consent to the capturing and use of your pictures and/or audio-visual recordings, please send an email to office@nlchamber.cz.

Additionally, by registering for this event, I acknowledge and agree to the following no-show fee policy, that applies to both members and non-members of the NCCC Traders by Nature.

For free events, a no-show fee of 400,- CZK excl. VAT will be charged for non-attendance in case of no prior notification to the NCCC at least 48 hours before the start of the event.
For paid events, a no-show fee equivalent to 40% of the ticket price will be charged for non-attendance without prior notification to the NCCC at least 48 hours before the start of the event.
Exceptions to the no-show fee policy apply if I inform the NCCC at least 48 hours before the event start time that:

I will not be able to attend, or I have nominated another person to attend in my place, providing their name and contact email address to the NCCC.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Other near future events
Current Month

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