When everything is connected with everything
Monday, 29 May 2023
18:00 - 20:00
Studentská Hybernská, Hybernská 4, Praha 1
What is the energy transition really about? How are energy and conflict – or peace – related? What is wrong with the current design of the energy market? What are the large crises, and the major opportunities that the energy transition presents to us? What influence does the internet have on the design of a future proof energy system? Arash Aazami’s talk will lead you through various perspectives on the energy system and the transition that it is currently undergoing. It will provide a remarkably positive and hope-giving view on our energy future. It will also provide insights on what we can do ourselves to contribute to a futureproof energy system that increases autonomy, liberates people and is inspired by nature itself in its design.

Arash is one of Europe’s leading energy experts and innovators. What he dreams, he tries to develop into realities. He advocates for a mindset enabling to rethink, re-invent, disrupt even himself, and turn crises into opportunities. Arash is founder of the Internet of Energy Initiative in 2017, and in 2010 he founded the world’s first energy company that earned more as it sold less energy. His “Path to Zero” business model was awarded by MIT in 2014. Together with Tomorrowland he developed Love Tomorrow Conference: one of Europe’s largest sustainability conferences at Tomorrowland’s festival site, expecting 6.500 participants next July. In 2021 Arash founded Unify Energy, developing peer-to-peer local energy communities. He also co-founded Transform, which holds an immersive system-level innovation hackathon. Arash lives by his personal motto: dream.develop.do.