Thank you for joining the NCCC Traders by Nature and AmCham – The American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic - to an economic lunch briefing.
Tuesday 26 April 2022, from 11.45 till 14.00
Alcron Hotel Prague
Štěpánská 623/40, Praha 1 - Nové Město
During the economic lunch briefing, three renowned economists shared their views on the economic outlook for the world, the EU and the Czech Republic reflecting the war in Ukraine and the effect of the sanctions against Russia. The main topics were obviously the inflation (by Michal Nebeský), the monetary policy (by Vojtěch Benda, CNB) and no less interesting was to listen to the current development of the confidence indicators (by Jakub Seidler, Czech Banking Association).
Participants were happy to use the opportunity to ask questions and discuss these topics directly with the speakers and other participants of this event while enjoying a great three-course lunch at the beautiful Crystal Ballroom of the Alcron Hotel.
11:45-12:00 Registration and Welcome
12:00-12:10 Opening by Pavel Iványi, Chairman of NCCC, and Weston Stacey, Executive Director of Amcham
12:10-12:20 Vojtěch Benda – Bank Board member Czech National Bank
12:20-12:40 Starter
12:40-13:00 Michal Nebeský – Country Officer Czech Republic Citibank
13:00-13:20 Main course
13:20-13:40 Jakub Seidler – Chief Economist Czech Banking Association
13:40-14:00 Dessert and Q&A
Entrance Fee
Members: 1,300 CZK + VAT
Non-members: 2,500 CZK + VAT