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21 January 2014

Top experts in Czech private law join Havel, Holásek & Partners

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Two top experts in private law and the new Civil Code, Filip Melzer and Petr Tégl, have joined Havel, Holásek & Partners. Both Filip and Petr belong to the team of legislators for the new Civil Code as members of the Recodification Committee of the Ministry of Justice. Both are also lecturers in civil law for training judges at the Judicial Academy and teach at the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc. In addition, they are the main authors of the large commentary to the new Civil Code together with a partner of the firm, František Korbel. Filip, Petr and František along with another expert and legislator, Milan Hulmák, make up the largest academic team for recodification in the Czech Republic.


Filip Melzer

Filip Melzer (38) worked in the past for the Supreme Administrative Court and the Constitutional Court. From 2010 to 2012, he was Deputy Minister of Justice in the area of justice. He was a member of the recodification committee for preparation of the new Civil Code and the committee for private law at the Government Legislative Council. Filip is now a member of the Committee for Application of the New Civil Legislation (KANCL) at the Ministry of Justice, lectures at the Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic for training judges relating to the new private legislation, and teaches at the Faculty of Law at Palacký University in Olomouc, where he was the Vice Dean from 2008 to 2010. At Havel, Holásek & Partners, Filip will focus on the new Civil Code and will be a member of the team of academic experts. He is an advisor and co-author of the new legislation as well as the large commentary, published by Leges. Filip studied at universities in Brno, Frankfurt (Oder), Passau, and Vienna. He regularly publishes in professional journals and is a member of the Czech Bar Association. He enjoys sports in his free time.


Petr Tégl

Petr Tégl (36), similar to Filip Melzer, was a member of the recodification committee for preparation of the new Civil Code. He is a member of the Committee for Application of the New Civil Legislation (KANCL) at the Ministry of Justice and a member of the committee for private law at the Government Legislative Council. He currently works at an advisor for the Ministry of Transport for specific legislative issues, lectures at the Judicial Academy of the Czech Republic for training judges, and is a researcher at the Centre for Law and Public Affairs at the Czech Academy of Sciences. In the past, Petr taught at the Faculty of Law of Charles University and now teaches at the Faculty of Law of Palacký University in Olomouc. At Havel, Holásek & Partners, he will also focus on the new Civil Code. Petr graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University and also studied law in Munich and Wroclaw. Together with Filip Melzer, he is the principal co-author of the large commentary to the new Civil Code.
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